Gift comes from New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill

Thursday, September 28, 2023
Close up view of a page from the book collection


UNH的Dimond图书馆是一个罕见的植物藏书的新家园,其中包括一些可以追溯到15世纪的卷, thanks to a partnership with New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill in Boylston, Massachusetts.

The collection, donated to UNH by the botanic garden, is the newest addition to The Milne Special Collections and Archives. 9月9日星期六,图书馆举行了开幕招待会,开始展示这些藏品. 23.

“吸引植物园成为我们收藏潜在家园的原因之一是我们在UNH的公共服务使命,” says Elizabeth Slomba, special collections librarian at UNH. “They gave the collection to us as a measure of faith in what UNH can do.”

Table view of volumes in botanical book collection

The Worcester County Horticultural Society, 新英格兰植物园在塔山收集超过500个标题, 这些作品可以追溯到19世纪早期到中期,而精选的标题可以追溯到15世纪晚期. 它包括专著和期刊,以及新英格兰为基础的水果和花卉的绘画和石版画.

馆藏中一些值得注意的书籍包括约翰·缪尔的第一版《澳门葡京网赌游戏》和《澳门葡京网赌游戏》,” an anonymous compilation from classical, Arabic and medieval sources originally published in Mainz, Germany in 1484.

“For many years, 图书馆的珍本和珍贵书籍,只有在图书馆有限的时间内,有特殊要求的人才能阅览. Considering the Garden’s educational mission, 我们的受托人决定是时候为这些藏品找个更好的地方了,” says Grace Elton, CEO of the New England Botanic Garden. “他们决心找到一个合作伙伴,不仅要妥善照顾这些藏品,还要让它们更广泛地传播。. 他们对藏品的新家有很高的标准和严格的要求. 戴蒙德图书馆有专业的特殊收藏人员和必要的设施来保护这些珍贵的材料并妥善处理它们. 他们也有维持最高标准的经验和声誉.”

这些书涵盖了广泛的植物学主题,将为学生提供宝贵的资源,并作为可能增强某些课程的附加材料. 与生命科学与农业学院有很容易的联系, but Slomba and Samantha Bradbury Koster, communications manager at the library, noted there are many other potential fits, including things like art history or advertising.

“我们一直在思考如何丰富学生的体验, staff and faculty of the university, and a collection like this helps carry out that mission,” Slomba says. “A gift like this helps us improve the educational experience.”

The collection will be made available for community members to view, as well, 他们还计划将部分藏品数字化,这样一些材料最终就可以被更多的全球观众看到.

Appointments to explore the collection can be set up by contacting

“我们很高兴UNH将把这些收藏提供给学术界和公众, too,” Elton says. “我们希望这些藏品能够启发和告知未来从农业、植物科学到书籍艺术等领域的研究, printmaking and more. 你永远不知道档案收藏对未来的科学研究有多大的价值.”

Makena Lee | For UNH Marketing